
Industrial Operations

Honeywell Workforce Competency


Advanced Training Solutions

Improve plant productivity and safety with advanced training solutions.



Explore Thought Leadership for Industrial Operations

Upskill Workers

Create a concise workforce training curriculum. 

Improve Performance

Improve plant performance by eliminating gaps in competency and skills.

Make Informed Decisions

Optimize collaboration for faster decision making.

Transfer Knowledge

Real-time coaching and knowledge transfer.

Explore Features of Workforce Competency

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is simulation-based training important for industrial operations?

Not only is high-fidelity simulation-based training important to the day-to-day safe and efficient operations of industrial assets, but it is crucial to teaching infrequent and high-consequence procedures, responding to abnormal situations, and optimizing and improving plant performance.

Efficiently scaling training programs to ensure enterprise-wide workforce competency regardless of location is critical to operating process plants more safely and efficiently.

Why do organizations purchase an operator training simulator?

An operator training simulator (OTS) helps address the human impact on a plant operation. Including:

·       A large retiring workforce.

·       High employee turnover.

·       Process and/or automation system complexity.

·       Overall reduction in human error.

·       Improvements in training effectiveness.

·       Maintain a realistic training experience.

Key Resources

Augment Your Workforce's Skills And Competency
High-fidelity simulation-based training is crucial to teaching infrequent and high-consequence procedures, responding to abnormal situations, and optimizing and improving plant performance.
High-Fidelity Simulation-Based Training
The evolution of process and automation technology has made operator contribution to safe, reliable and profitable process operations even more important.

Related Outcomes

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Contact us to improve plant productivity and safety with holistic training solutions.

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