
Industrial Operations

Honeywell Forge Sustainability⁺ for Industrials | Emissions Management 

Sustainability Based on Knowledge

GHG emissions management software helps drive intelligent operations in your organization to get closer to your decarbonization and sustainability goals.



Gain Real-Time Insights

Visualize GHG emissions across your entire enterprise in near real time, enabling informed decision making to reduce environmental impact.

Seamless Data Integration 

Utilize data connectors to automatically collect and validate GHG data from various sources within your organization, ensuring data accuracy and integrity. 

Accurate Emissions Calculation

Perform complex calculations on large datasets, ensuring precise accounting of GHG emissions and providing a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s environmental footprint.

Effortless Compliance Reporting

Generate compliance reports effortlessly with a simple click of a button, simplifying the process and saving time while meeting regulatory requirements.

Explore Features of Emissions Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the oil and gas industry focused on methane emissions reduction?

The global oil and gas industry is responsible for close to half of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As the impact of global warming becomes all too apparent, pressure is mounting rapidly – from activist investors, regulators, employees, and society as a whole – for the industry to change its ways. The oil and gas industry is responsible for 10% of global GHG emissions through its direct Scope 1 emissions from operations and another 31% through its indirect Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. Eliminating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry represents one of the best short-term opportunities to contribute to climate change mitigation.

How does Honeywell respond to the emissions challenges and expectations of C-Suite executives?

We understand that C-Suite professionals (CEO, CFO, CSO, COO) must represent their company’s sustainability progress to parties concerned with the overall picture of the enterprise. Their task is complicated by limited visibility into enterprise-wide greenhouse gas emissions and a lack of traceability for managing and analyzing nonconformance as it relates to compliance. These professionals desire a single emissions record that is standardized, interoperable, system-agnostic and enterprise-wide. Honeywell’s response is software to help drive best-in-class sustainable production performance, meet net zero goals and deliver on environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments.

Why would I deploy and perform emissions management using software in a shared cloud?

The cost of ownership is very low because it is based on a pay-per-use model. Plus, there is no need to upskill or hire additional talent. All upgrades and IT is taken care of by Honeywell with agreed upon SLA's. Operational aspects of running the software and ensuring its uptime based on the SLA will be with Honeywell thus reducing costs. Visit the Honeywell Forge Trust Site for additional information on our approach to security and data privacy. 

How do you arrive at the sensor location for a typical plant?

Honeywell uses a customer leak detection and repair (LDAR) report. This helps identify the hardware sensor’s strategic location, where signal scout sensors will be used as bottom-source-level measurements, and the placement of rebellion cameras as top-down site measurements. Reconciliation between bottoms-up and top-down measurements can be used to achieve Gold Standard reporting as prescribed by the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0).

Can emissions management software be extended outside the oil and gas industry?

Honeywell Forge Sustainability⁺ Emissions Management software is an industry and sensor agnostic SaaS offering. The software has configuration capabilities for multiple verticals, including:

    •     Mining, Metals & Minerals 

    •     Chemicals           

    •     Power

    •     Pulp & Paper   

    •     Life Sciences  

    •     Industrial Sector Renewables 

    •     Commerical Buildings 

    •     Aerospace                                      

What's new in the current solution release?

Here's what's new in the latest release of Honeywell Forge Sustainability⁺ Emissions Management:

    •     Track Scope 2 emissions (indirect GHG emissions), in addition to tracking Scope 1 (including CO2).

    •     Enhanced dashboards and visual intelligence for Scope 1 and 2.

    •     Honeywell offers one of the few solutions that can help with tracking both Scope 1 and Scope 2. 

Technology Solutions for Emissions Reduction

Honeywell Emissions Management Suite

Honeywell offers a complete range of solutions at each stage of your sustainability journey, to include near real-time reporting, the ability to track Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and a consolidated system of record.

Learn more about the solutions in our Emissions Management Suite.


Key Resources

7 Key Emissions Management Benefits
See how Emissions Management SaaS helps to facilitate carbon reduction.
A Programmatic Approach To Decarbonization
The one-stop shop emissions management approach to help you measure, monitor, report and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
Overcome Emissions and Leak Detection Challenges
Navigate the complexities of emissions reduction and reporting to help your organization achieve its sustainability objectives.

Related Outcomes

End-to-End Optimization for Industrials

Get a single source of truth for the tracking, measurement, compliance and reduction activities of greenhouse gas quantities and intensities.

Sustainability for Industrials

More easily monitor and report carbon emissions. For organizations that must operate under regulatory thresholds, Sustainability⁺ Emissions Management creates clarity and drives calls-to-action through advanced analytics and detailed insights by closing the loop for emissions reduction.

Improve your emissions management.

Schedule a demo and learn how you can measure, monitor, reduce and report on your organization's decarbonization and sustainability goals. Emissions Management SaaS is one facet in an ecosystem of solutions designed by Honeywell to help your enterprise meet its decarbonization and sustainability goals.

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