
In the News

Discover what we’ve been doing to define a new era of intelligent operations.

Press Releases

Future-Proof Your Thinking

Hear perspectives on the evolution of enterprise performance management from thought leaders.
Technology and Quality Data: Is Your Organization Keeping Up?
Manufacturers that use quality to effect change throughout the organization will reap the benefits of identifying issues faster, reducing costs and preventing patient harm and product recall—all while ensuring regulatory compliance. Read more now.
How AI is Powering Sustainability
Sustainability is not just good for the environment, it’s great for business. That's why it's time to call in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make your business more sustainable. When you put a dollar value on what that can save after optimization, the overall economic impact of AI is a $26 trillion opportunity.
Data: The true Asset of Buildings
Some buildings are much more than a collection of walls. They're places where students learn, where travelers pass through, and where employees drive business. We understand that buildings are your assets—and that they can be so much more. Learn the 5 ways IoT can redefine what buildings mean to their occupants and your portfolio.
The Future of Mining is Safer, Smarter and Sustainable
Mining, one of the oldest industries on planet earth, is now thinking about the future. The business of mining is difficult and complex from an environmental, social, political, and technological perspective. Read how we're helping to make the mining industry safer, smart and much more sustainable.
APC and Artificial Intelligence
The development of manufacturing industries has seen a constant drive to improve operational efficiency. Learn how artificial intelligence can improve your own advanced process control.
Practical Applications of a Dynamic Digital Twin
Read how we review the requirements, value and benefits of deploying a dynamic Digital Twin model for project analysis, decision making, design validation and operational readiness. This effort supports safe and effective commissioning and start-up as well as on-going applications for process performance management.