
Benefit from the Data You’re Already Creating

We are in the midst of unprecedented growth and opportunities in the logistics industry. Shipping volumes are at an all-time high and are projected to continue increasing into 2023. As opportunities in logistics grow, the need for faster shipping and lower costs accelerates.

Distribution and fulfillment center systems are running harder with shorter maintenance windows. In fact, 80% of businesses are underestimating their downtime by 200% or even 300%. Approximately, 90% of maintenance shutdowns are unplanned, and 70% of them occur due to equipment failure. The result is massive production losses for these businesses. As unplanned downtime occurs, companies are managing industry-wide issues including rising energy costs and a diminishing labor pool. 

Logistics leaders need solutions to these issues and often turn to trying to modernize their operations and labor functions. Often the challenge is that digital transformation has not been achieved because connecting data from multiple systems is difficult. Having data-driven architecture that enables leaders to see what is happening across every connected process at multiple DCs can provide a complete and real-time picture that allows a business to significantly reduce downtime and lower costs. The potential savings are significant.

To learn how leveraging real-time data from all DCs can benefit an entire operation, improve workflows and produce significant savings, download the white paper, “Benefit From the Data You’re Already Creating.”

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